All property owners have the right under state law to appeal their proposed assessment.
The Assessors Review appeal process will take place through February 23rd in Room 804 of the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward Ave., Detroit, MI.
The March Board of Review, the second step in the review process, begins March 6th and ends March 23rd in Room 1208 of the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center.
Step 1:
Before appealing your assessment, you must fill out this form.
Anyone wishing to challenge their assessments can email the Assessor’s office at Assessorreview@Detroitmi.gov to initiate the process with the above form attached.
To appeal in person, you can go to:
Step 2:
If you are not satisfied with the February Assessors Review decision, you must write the Board of Review on or before the second Monday in March.
After which, you will receive an appointment to appear before the Board of Review in March.
Step 3:
If you are unhappy with the ruling by the Board of Assessment, you may file an appeal with the Michigan Tax Tribunal. You must fill out this form first.

March Board of Review Appeal Information:
The March Board of Review is by appointment only.
To make an appointment, call (313) 800-5233 extension 319.
***You must fill out this form and bring it with you in person to your appeal appointment.
The Board of Review dates are:
March 11th: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM / 2:00 PM - 5:30 PM
March 13th: 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
March 15th: 2:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Appeals cannot be submitted by mail unless you live out of state.
If you have more questions, call the City of Hamtramck Assessor’s Office 313-800-5233 extension 294

The Board of Review dates are:
March 11th: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
March 12th: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
March 13th: 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Set up your appointment in advance OR walk-ins welcomed (you may have to wait if you haven’t made an appointment).
If you cannot come in person, the appeal form can be submitted by mail.
You must fill out this form and bring it with you to your appointment. If you are appealing by mail, fill out this form and mail it to the HP Treasurer.
If you have more questions call the Highland Park Treasurer (313) 252-0050 ext. 229

For assistance with your appeal, visit any of these partner organizations.